Congratulations to the WA #GABF Medal winners! Twitter Brewery City @Barrel_Mountain Barrel Mountain Brewing Battle Ground @blackravenbrew Black Raven Brewing Co. Redmond @chainlinebrew Chainline Brewing Co. Kirkland @ChuckanutBeer Chuckanut Brewery Bellingham...
“Gruit.” “Grew what?”…”it”….”what?” “Gruit.” The title is the typical response I get when I mention Gruits to friends. Gruits are a style of beer brewed without hops and well they are pretty darn good. Beer...
Imagine you just filled a line of kegs with your award winning beer and suddenly you realize you needed to maintain two out of the 57 or so kegs. You’re not quite sure at this point which keg is which. You get ready to spend a few hours tracking down the serial...
It’s the details that matter with quality. When I set out to create the best Keg Management Software available I didn’t think I would be getting into the technology of labels. Yes, there’s a lot of tech in the quality of a label. As I worked...
Airbnb CODE D-Link Fliptop Hi-media Groupe Stitcher Vodafone Dow Jones Lyft NASA Siemens Netflix Nokia Pinterest Slack Yelp Inuit King County Government, WA PBS Stripe The Seattle Times The US Department of State The CDC The answer: They all use Amazon Web Services or...
Welcome to the KegMetrics Developer’s Notes. This is a brief update with where we are at with development of KegMetrics. As you know KegMetrics is Keg Management Software that allows you to utilize your phone as a scanner to track your kegs. It does so much more...
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